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FAQ: Questions and answers

How can I select several files at the same time?

You can make a multiple selection by holding down the STRG or SHIFT key when clicking on the files. This is working with the functions "delete", "download" and "chmod". Please remember that with the selection of a huge amount of files the processing of the instruction can last a long time, so that the Browser seems not to be responding any more. If this happens select less files for simultaneous processing!

Why is www2ftp sometimes so slow?

Sometimes it lasts a long time until www2ftp processed all the data and shows the directory. This can have two different reasons:

  • You are transferring very large files:
    While uploading your Browser transfers the selected file from your computer to www2ftp, from where the file will be finally transfered to your ftp server. The upload might take several minutes depending on your internet connection. Please be patient while uploading large files ...

  • The selected ftp server has a slow binding:
    www2ftp is attached to the internet by one of the fastest provider. Although this connection is one of the fastest of the world there might be a slow binding somewhere in the path between your and our server.

What does it mean: "chmod" ???

With some (however not all) ftp servers it is possible to change the rights of accessing a file. This is in particular with Unix systems the case.

Concerning the file rights these systems differentiate between 3 different "kinds of user":

the owner of the file (user), the working group of the user (group) and the rest of the world (others). For each of these kinds of user there are for each file three different access attributes: read the file (r), write the file (w) and execute the file (x).

With the help of www2ftp the rights of the individual files can be seen and changed comfortably, if this is supported by the used ftp server. You could easily click on the checkboxes or just enter the number for this rights. Please remember that you need to have Java-Script enabeld in your Browser.

What does BINARY and ASCII mean for the upload ?

With file transmissions by ftp there are two different variants:

    You must use this mode for everything that contains binary data as pictures and other files that are not text only. This mode is preset at www2ftp.

    This mode is used for transferring text files. If the server is running on Unix you must use this mode for text files as the line endings are different. The ASCII-mode will convert the line endings to unix line endings removing the "CR" from the file.
If I edit a file everything is in one line

Depending on your system there are 3 different types of line endings.

Windows is using CR, LF
Unix is using only LF
Mac is using only CR

web2ftp replaces all CR because a CR could cause heavy faults on Unix systems. All newer webbrowsers do not have problems if the CR is missing. If you get everything in one line you will have to update your webbrowser. We are working on an update where web2ftp recognizes automatically the line endings

Why can't I transfer large files ?

Files, which you want to transfer from or to your ftp server are stored temporarily on our server and processed by www2ftp. In order to offer to all our users a stable service our server is protected against an overloading. We limited the maximum file size for each single action: Download 50 Mb, BINARY Upload 50 Mb, editing function 200kb.

How can I change directly with the Login into a certain directory ?

Attach simply the desired starting directory to the server name: e.g.

After login only an empty file window appears, why ?

Www2ftp is not able to interpret the listing format of your server. Unfortunately this format is not standardized and from server to server differently. Here we need your support: write us in this case please!

While downloading the Browser opens the file instead of storing it:

Unfortunately your Browser did not recognize to automatically store the downloaded files directly. Simply right click on the link with your mouse and select "save as"

How can I move a file ?

Use simply the "rename" function.
You want to move the file index.html into the subdir "old": rename the file simply to "old/index.html"
You want to move the file index.html one dir up in the tree: rename it to "../index.html"

What does the port field mean ?

With most servers the ftp service is addressed under the port number 21 . If your server expects ftp connections on another port number, you must change this entry. Normally the standard port 21 should always work!